I am honored to work alongside the dedicated employees of Tennessee’s electric cooperatives.
The folks on our team have a real passion for people and the communities we serve, and it shows. It shows in the way they perform their jobs each day. They keep the lights on for more than 2.5 million homes, farms and businesses across the Volunteer State. Every day. Rain or shine.
It also shows when they are challenged to do more.
Since their beginnings 80 years ago, Tennessee’s local electric cooperatives have been active partners in our communities. They sponsor students to attend the Washington Youth Tour and Youth Leadership Summit where young people learn to grow into our future leaders. They also support 4-H Electric Camp so our future leaders can learn about electricity and conservation. Co-op employees serve their local churches, coach youth sports teams and volunteer their time in countless other community-support roles.
You can also see the passion our employees have for others in the way they responded to this fall’s hurricane season. Hundreds of lineworkers gave of their time to travel to North Carolina following Hurricane Florence. Just a couple of weeks later, more groups signed on to go to Georgia and Florida to assist with power restoration following Hurricane Michael. Our crews worked long hours, sacrificing time with their families to help restore power for strangers in need.
We have a mission to improve everyday life for our consumers, and that goes far beyond simply keeping the lights on.
Serving our communities is the only reason our co-ops exist. We have a mission to improve everyday life for our consumers, and that goes far beyond simply keeping the lights on.
This holiday season, I challenge you to seek out ways to serve others, whether it be through your church, a community service organization or just by helping a neighbor in need.
Scripture tells us that it is better to give than to receive, and our community will be a better place if we all get involved.