Elsie Quarterman Cedar Glade Wildflower Festival
Fri., May 2, 7:00 pm-Sun., May 4, 4:30 pm

Join along with the MTSU Center for Cedar Glade Studies at Cedars of Lebanon State Park to learn about the beautiful and rare flowers in Limestone Cedar Glades the evening of May 2 plus all-day activities for all ages that range from morning bird-watching, gardening with native plants, glade geology and fossils, drawing wildflowers, hiking with botany experts, and an evening owl prowl on May 3. The celebration continues on May 4, with more hiking in cedar glades with botany experts May 4 at Long Hunter State Park.

Join along with the MTSU Center for Cedar Glade Studies at Cedars of Lebanon State Park to learn about the beautiful and rare flowers in Limestone Cedar Glades the evening of May 2 plus all-day activities for all ages that range from morning bird-watching, gardening with native plants, glade geology and fossils, drawing wildflowers, hiking with botany experts, and an evening owl prowl on May 3. The celebration continues on May 4, with more hiking in cedar glades with botany experts May 4 at Long Hunter State Park.