Carefully choosing ingredients can make gluten-free recipes healthful and flavorful
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley and is used as a stabilizer or thickening agent in lots of processed foods. For those who find themselves on a gluten-free diet, the amount of time necessary to read food labels in the supermarket can be huge. So to make life a bit easier, these recipes make gluten-free trouble-free. Taste does not have to be sacrificed, so feel free to enjoy sitting down at the table with these great foods.
Pick Tennessee Products is the promotion of the Tennessee Department of Agriculture developed to help consumers recognize and choose foods grown or processed in Tennessee. As Pick Tennessee Products spokesperson, Tammy Algood develops recipes featuring Tennessee food products. To learn more about Tennessee food products and to find more recipes, go to the Tennessee Department of Agriculture
Market Development website at or contact Algood at 615-837-5160 or