There’s a reason all that hard squash is in the produce section: It’s FOOD. As beautiful as it is, it’s not over in home décor. Hard squash is delicious and versatile food that has graced wintertime tables for hundreds of years. When the soft-skinned vegetables of summer are gone, hard squash covers the cold months. With a shell meant to last all winter, its heart is soft and sweet. Don’t bypass these delicious vegetables just because they’re beautiful.
November Recipes
- Candy-Topped Squash
- Stuffed Mirlitons
- Roasted Winter Squash
- Wild Brandied Winter Squash
- Butternut Squash Pie
Pick Tennessee Products is the promotion of the Tennessee Department of Agriculture developed to help consumers recognize and choose foods grown or processed in Tennessee. As Pick Tennessee Products spokesperson, Tammy Algood develops recipes featuring Tennessee food products. To learn more about Tennessee food products and to find more recipes, go to the Tennessee Department of Agriculture Market Development website at or contact Algood at 615-837-5160 or