Magazine subscriptions
How does one subscribe to the magazine? And what is the cost of a subscription? I currently live in Colorado but would like to move to Tennessee.
Thank you,
Gary Bazer, Colorado
Editor’s note: Members of Tennessee electric cooperatives that participate in the magazine should automatically receive copies as often as your co-op publishes editions. Please contact your local electric cooperative office to get on the list.
If you are not a member of an electric co-op, you can subscribe to the magazine here.
We moved to Pleasantville in 2010 (just in time to be flooded) and would like to research who founded the community and any other information available. There is a large sinkhole on our property, and we were told people actually went spelunking there. I tried to use the archives for past articles but am too much of an amateur to be successful.
If you can tell me how to access the archives, I would be grateful.
Thank you,
Geraldine DeLaney, Pleasantville
Editor’s note: Please visit our website at for current features and our archives. You can search past articles by clicking on the magnifying glass icon on the right side of the homepage.
How do I submit a question to “It’s just stuff”?
Linda Robertson Gained Manchester, Duck River EMC
Editor’s note: Please send your inquiry with photos to the mailing address or email below. Only published appraisals are free. Private appraisals are available for a fee.
Mailing address: Connie Sue Davenport P.O. Box 343, White House, TN 37188
Shutterbug contest
Question: Is it still possible to view the winning photos and honorable mention photos from your spring Shutterbug Pets contest online? Is there a link?
Brenda Adams, Linden, Meriwether Lewis EC
Editor’s note: Yes, you can. The quickest way to get to all of the recent Shutterbug contests is to go to and type “Shutterbug” into the search feature.
Love the magazine
I wanted to thank The Tennessee Magazine for everything you have given me. The Tennessee Magazine is very special to me and is unique when it comes to the contests. Not only do you push kids (and adults) to write, draw and photograph, but you also teach them that if they really try, they will accomplish something.
It is the best feeling ever when you’re able to show your parents your name in the magazine, and it is the weirdest shy/happy feeling when someone else tells you they saw your name in it.
I have told so many of my friends to enter, and they just say, “No, I wouldn’t win.” This is when I give them a whole speech on how special The Tennessee Magazine is and how many chances they give everyone who enters.
The Tennessee Magazine is a confidence-builder, and I love that. Words cannot explain how sad I would be if anything ever happened to keep the magazine from being delivered in our mailbox on the last week of every month. The Tennessee Magazine is not just a magazine because if it was, I wouldn’t be so ex-cited to open my mailbox and see the Dish information in red on the back, letting me know it has arrived.
I love y’all, and thank you! Have a great day!
Reagan Honeycutt Dunlap, Sequachee Valley EC