Your biscuits — and your spirits — will rise when you watch the latest Pick Tennessee Products video. Biscuits are a deep-down part of Southern culture and tell us a lot about the pioneers who relied on them. Biscuits are “quick” breads — meaning they don’t need time to rise, and the dough needs to be made without over-mixing. In other words, pioneers didn’t have time to carefully mix ingredients, knead dough and find perfect places for breads to rise undisturbed. Another secret of Southern biscuits? Soft white, or Southern, wheat flour that brings that gives biscuits their famous cloud-like texture. Wheat grown in the warm South is different from hard red, or Northern, wheat. Look for locally grown and ground flours or for the words “Made with Southern wheat” when you shop. Local flour producers are listed at
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Tammy Algood
Tammy Algood develops for The Tennessee Magazine recipes that feature farm-fresh Tennessee food. Those fresh, local ingredients will always add cleaner, more flavorful foods to your table. We recommend visiting local farms and farmers markets to find the freshest seasonal produce. For more information about our recipes, contact Algood at